Diversity Visa Program Deadline 2025

The Diversity Visa Lottery deadline will be announced in May 2025 for the upcoming DV-2027 Green Program. The submission of applications has already started, so make sure that you submit your application as soon as possible to avoid missing the Diversity Visa Lottery deadline.
The Department of State will announce the Diversity Visa Lottery deadline for submitting applications will be in May 2025. All applicants should act immediately and get their applications submitted before the deadline.

Each year, over 20 million people across the world look forward to October because it is when Green Card Lottery applications for the Diversity Visa Program open. Getting a Green Card to the United States means living their dream by moving to the United States.
Many applicants submit their applications on their own using the free service provided by the U.S. government without knowing the risk of doing it themselves. Looking at 25 years of application submission statistics, over 65% of all applicants doing it independently are disqualified by the U.S. Government because of errors in their application.
Diversity Visa Lottery value-added service by US Green Card Office
Since 1998, The U.S. Green Card Office has provided its value-added Green Card Application Submission Service for the Diversity Visa Lottery. With over 2 million applications submitted by the US Green Card Office from all over the world, they know better than anyone else how to succeed in getting a Green Card for the United States.
Many applicants who have tried to use the free service for years without success come to the US Green Card Office for advice and use their submission service to avoid making errors when submitting their Diversity Visa Lottery Application. Using the paid value-added service gives any applicant the best chance of being selected.
The U.S. Green Card Office recently announced its deadline for the DV-2027 Green Card Lottery will be in May 2025. They encourage all applicants to submit their Diversity Visa applications as soon as possible, mainly because the demand is higher than ever. Processing time can take several days, depending on the applicant uploading photos that can be approved straight away or if photos need to be resubmitted. Therefore, do not wait until the last week before the deadline. Get your application submitted as soon as possible to avoid missing the deadline.
Don’t miss the upcoming Diversity Visa Lottery Deadline.
Millions of applicants are missing the Diversity Visa Lottery deadline each year, so the sooner you get your application submitted and approved, the better your chance of being selected.
Using the paid service from the U.S. Green Card Office is worthwhile, as it only costs $80.00 for a single person and $120.00 for a family. This is a small fee to pay to guarantee your application is submitted on time and accepted by the U.S. Government.
You’re probably asking yourself, what exactly is the difference between the free Diversity Visa Lottery and paid service? Therefore, reading the Green Card Lottery Comparison Guide is essential to make the right decision before applying.
Before applying, you should also ensure that your country of birth has qualified for the upcoming Green Card Lottery.
Diversity Visas are intended to provide an immigration opportunity for persons from countries other than the primary source countries of immigration to the U.S. The law states that no Diversity Visas shall be provided for “high admission” countries, that is, countries from which there were more than 55,000 immigrants in the Family-Sponsored and Employment-Based visa categories during the previous five years. The list of countries that do not qualify for the Diversity Visa Lottery is subject to change from one year to the next. Please also be aware that the diversity visa lottery deadline may also change from year to year.
Before you apply, please check the qualifying countries!
As you probably know, applying for the Diversity Visa Lottery is free via the U.S. Government’s website. However, there are several advantages to using the paid services of the U.S. Green Card Office. In the below infographic, you will find some of the great advances you get using the paid service.

Let your dream come true – Apply Today

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