United States Citizenship

A dream come true on the Fourth of July in the United States
More than 100 new citizens of the United States of America took the Oath of United States Citizenship at a Fourth of July festival in North Carolina, from a total of over 15,000 across the country. The new citizens come from different countries, including Mexico, India, and South Korea.
US Citizenship vs. Green Card
Obtaining a green card is the first step towards living legally in the US. It grants you the status of permanent resident, meaning you can work and freely enter and leave the country.
It also means you can bring your immediate family to live with you in the US. Your spouse can work, and your children can attend school.
But, you’re still classified as a member of your originating country, meaning this is still the country that issues your passport, among other things.
Being a full US citizen is slightly different. You can apply to become a naturalized citizen after 5 years of holding a green card.
You and your family could live and work in the United States as well by applying as part of the Green Card Program
But what are the benefits of US citizenship, and how does it differ from a green card?
United States Citizenship vs. Green Card
Obtaining a Green Card is the first step towards living legally in the United States. It grants you the status of permanent resident, meaning you can work and freely enter and leave the country.
It also means you can bring your immediate family to live with you in the US. Your spouse can work, and your children can attend school.
But, you’re still classified as a member of your originating country, meaning this is still the country that issues your passport, among other things.
Being a full US citizen is slightly different. You can apply to become a naturalized citizen after 5 years of holding a green card.
Qualifying for United States Citizenship
Along with living continuously in the US for 5 years since being issued with your first green card, there are several other requirements. You must:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Have lived continuously in the US from when you filed Form N-400 to when you become a citizen
- Read, write and speak English to a specified degree
- Pass a US citizenship test (history and government-related topics)
- Be of “good moral character”, as determined by the USCIS
This last one is a legal term that’s a bit vague. In basic terms, it means that you don’t have a criminal record and that there’s no evidence you’ll become a ward of the state any time soon.
Your moral character is used alongside your interview to determine whether you’re eligible for US citizenship. If you’re unsure about the criteria, consider speaking to a lawyer or immigration specialist for more information.
The Benefits of United States Citizenship
So, you want to apply for US citizenship. Is it worth it compared to being a permanent resident? Many people say yes for the following reasons:
- You can vote in local and national elections
- You can run for public office
- You will not be eligible for deportation
- You can access federal employee benefits
- You can apply for tax benefits
- Family members can join you, and you can sponsor their green card applications
Overall, becoming a naturalized US citizen has plenty of benefits if you plan to live in the country for the rest of your life. Even if you don’t plan on running for office, having the ability to vote is worthwhile, as is sponsoring your family.
Moving towards United States Citizenship
The first step to getting US citizenship is applying for a Green Card. After all, you must be a permanent legal resident for 5 years before you can move on in the process.
There are various different ways to apply for a Green Card, and you can read more about the Green Card Program on our introduction to the Green Card Lottery that many other retailers found interesting.
Or if you have already decided that moving to the United States it’s the right thing for you then you could hit the green Apply Now button below to get started today. Let your dream come true – Apply Today.